Overview of personal data use
For newsletters, we use the following personal data:
- Name and surname
- E-mail address
- IP address
- Location data, such as from which device you visited the website
Your name and e-mail address are used to send the newsletter. These data are kept until you unsubscribe from the newsletter or request to be forgotten.
IP addresses and location data are used to optimise the design and content of the website and the associated range of products and services to meet the needs of visitors.
Contact form
Via the contact form on the website, we ask you for the following personal data:
- Name and surname
- E-mail address
- Phone number (optional)
- IP address
- Location data, such as from which device you visited the website
We use your name, e-mail address and telephone number (optional) to answer your questions about products and services. This data is stored electronically for possible future contact on the same or other topics, unless you request to be forgotten.
IP addresses and location data are used to optimise the design and content of the website and the associated range of products and services to meet the needs of visitors.
The Nexxdott website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file with information on it. This information is about your behaviour on the website. For example, which pages you have viewed and what data you have entered. The website can use this information when you visit the site again.
We use these cookies purely functionally to make the website work better and to make it easier to use. For example, cookies remember your login details. This saves you having to log in again next time.
The website www.nexxdott.com informs you which cookies are involved and what they are used for, and asks you for your permission to place a cookie. You can remove the cookies yourself from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can look up how to remove or block cookies in the help function of your internet browser. You can read more about this on the website www.veiliginternetten.nl.
Trainings, workshops, think tanks and programmes
For training, workshops and programmes we use:
- First and last name of the client
- E-mail address of the client
- First name and surname of participants
- E-mail address of participants
- Telephone number of participants
- Name and location details of the organisation of the participants (in case of open registrations)
- Telephone number of the principal and of the secretary, if any
- Name and location details of client organisation (visiting address)
- Invoicing data of the client
- Invoicing data of participants (in case of open registrations)
For in-company training courses, workshops and programmes, we make a proposal/quotation based on a discussion with the client. In this proposal, we process the initial situation, the points of attention and the objectives of the training course, workshop or programme. We submit the proposal/quotation to the client for approval.
In the case of open training courses, participants register via an application form in which we ask for their contact and billing details.
For both in-company and open training courses, workshops and programmes, participants receive an invitation with the programme, objectives and working method by e-mail. For this purpose, we use the e-mail addresses of the participants. If there are no objections from the participants, a list of participants may also be included in open training sessions. We ask permission for this on the registration form (for open training courses).
Personal data of participants are used during the training, workshop or programme, for the evaluation at the end or for billing afterwards. Telephone numbers of participants are used to call them if they are absent or late without notice.
At the beginning of the training course, workshop or programme we agree with the participants that confidential information, such as feedback on behaviour during the programme, will not be disclosed, unless other agreements are made. These agreements also apply to us.
The training course, workshop or programme always ends with an oral and/or written evaluation with the participants. The written evaluation is always anonymous. The evaluation results of in-company programmes are discussed with the client afterwards. If necessary, the client receives an anonymised written elaboration of the evaluation data. Responses from participants may be used for PR purposes, such as placement on the website. For this, permission is asked in advance.
The contact details of the participants and of the client and the written evaluation data are kept in a file for possible future contact on the same or other subjects, unless someone requests to be forgotten. The contents of the file are never shared with others.
Contact and payment details of the client and, in the case of open training courses, of the participants, are used for invoicing purposes. The payment details are kept as long as necessary to meet administrative legal obligations.
Participants or, if they are minors, their parents or guardians are explicitly asked for permission to take photographs or make videos for PR purposes during training courses, workshops, think tanks or programmes, for example for publication on the Nexxdott website or in the newsletter. Participants may at all times request the removal of any visual material in which they are recognisable.
Evaluations of products such as games and e-learning
For evaluations of Nexxdott products we use:
- Customer's first and last name
- E-mail address of the customer
The written evaluation is always anonymous. The evaluation results are used by Nexxdott to improve and develop its products. Responses from clients may be used for PR purposes, such as placement on the website. Permission to do so is requested on the evaluation form.
Client contact details and written evaluation data are kept in a file for the purpose of improving and further developing Nexxdott products. The contents of the file will never be shared with others.
Future Labs
For Future Labs we use:
- First and last name of the client
- E-mail address of the client
- Client phone number
- Name and address of the organisation
- Function principal (If a school: rector/departmental director or dean)
- Telephone number of the principal and of the secretary, if any
- Invoicing data of the client
- First and last name participants of FutureLab (teachers and pupils)
- E-mail addresses of participants (with permission of the school and parents/guardians)
- Educational level and year of participants (if students)
We use the contact details of the client and the address details of the organisation for the introductory and intake interview and in order to be able to give Future Labs on location. A tailor-made programme for a FutureLab with a price quotation is discussed with - and sent to - the client for approval.
Participants in a Tekomstlab (teachers and pupils) receive a digital invitation with the programme, objectives and working method by e-mail before the programme starts. The school itself ensures that the pupils receive the invitation via the teachers, through the usual channels at school.
The school grants us (temporary) access to the school wifi, so that we can use the wifi to show videos and other material from FutureLab . We will only use the wifi for this purpose.
Through school and with the school's permission, we receive a digital overview of participating students with first and last name, educational level, e-mail address and class composition. We use this overview to arrange company visits for and with students. We only use students' email addresses to communicate with them about company visit opportunities and to guide them in networking. These lists are shared with us via Google Drive through the school. We never store these lists elsewhere. The school can delete these lists at any time.
Future Labs always conclude with a digital evaluation for teachers and pupils. This evaluation is always anonymous, unless someone decides to add his or her name. We discuss the results of the evaluation with the client afterwards, in order to be able to determine whether the programme went satisfactorily and to adjust any subsequent programmes. If necessary, the client will receive an anonymised version of the evaluation data in writing.
If photographs or film clips are taken during a FutureLab for PR purposes, for example for placement on the Nexxdott website or in a newsletter, we ask for written permission (from the parents/carers in the case of minors). Participants and/or their parents/guardians can request the removal of the visual material at any time.
Comments from participants may be used for PR purposes, such as placement on the website. For this, we ask permission in advance.
The client's contact details and written evaluation data will be kept in a Nexxdott file for the purpose of possible future contact on the same or other topics, unless the client requests to be forgotten. The contents of the file are never shared with others.
Contact and payment details of the client are used for invoicing purposes. The payment data will be kept as long as necessary to fulfil administrative legal obligations.