FutureLab Game®
For secondary schools and higher education
For deans and mentors
For career counselors
Price: € 61,95 including VAT and shipping costs to an address in the Netherlands.
Shipping to other countries only upon request via info@nexxdott.com.
FutureLab Game®
With the FutureLab Game®, young people in secondary education and in further education can playfully discover what interests them and what future possibilities they would like to know more about.
The FutureLab Game® includes 3 team games, where players inspire each other to think about their interests, important future questions and Sustainable Development Goals. The game is linked to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because the future of young people depends on a livable world.
Note: Included with the FutureLab Game® are 68 Inspiration videos which are on the page "For Young People". Scan the QR code on that page.
A free PDF is also available with a Dutch-language explanation of all 68 Inspiration videos. Request it here.
If you would like an overview of all the SDGs with a brief explanation attached, request it here.
The game is now also available in English.
The Future Lab Game® together with the Core Values Game® part of FutureLab. Schools can organize an FutureLab at school, but can also combine the Future Lab Game® and the Core Values Game® separately and without FutureLab with their existing Career Orientation Programs, link it to citizenship lessons and mentoring lessons, or play it during a project week. Also watch the introductory film oabout FutureLab.
The FutureLab Game® is for ages 12 and up. One game contains content for 4 teams with 4 players (16 players in total). The game is also suitable for adults, for example for teams in companies.
What does the game deliver?
- Knowledge and awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- A clearly formulated personal Future Question
- Getting to know yourself and each other (better) in what you really care about
- Understanding and appreciation of each other's points of view
- Inspiration on future possibilities for yourself
- A broader view of various issues in the world
- Ideas for future possibilities
- Game fun
- Prompting conversations about study- and work opportunities
- Equivalence between youth and adults: you'll learn from each other mutually
Game content:
- 4 sets of 3 different Team Games
- 1 Teacher's Guide
- 4 Instructional Cards: What makes a good Future Question?
- 60 Photo Cards
- 4 sets of 17 SDG Cards
- 4 sets of 2 x 6 Question Cards
- 4 sets of 2 Key Cards
- 4 sets with 1 Closing Card
- 6 Tip Cards
- 4 dice

"Playing the FutureLab Game" workshop with teachers (in training)
In the "Playing the FutureLab Game" workshop, teachers (in training) learn how to use and guide the game by first playing it themselves. This way, they get to know the full potential of the game, before playing it with students. After playing the game, we will discuss
- how to use the game in school or college and
- how to guide the game as a teacher and what is important in guiding.
I will come to your location for a workshop. A workshop "Playing the FutureLab Game" with teachers takes two and a half hours with a group size of minimum 4 and maximum 12 teachers and costs €715, excluding VAT, games and travel expenses. Please contact me here for a quotation.
Playing the FutureLab Game® with students
If you would like me to come and play the FutureLab Game® with your students, that is also possible. I prepare the playing session together with the teacher of the class in question. This teacher actively participates as a supervisor of the game. Cost: € 1,690 per class with a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 students. This amount excludes VAT, games and travel expenses. Contact me here for a quotation.
Mini-FutureLab at Koning Willem I College
Nexxdott has provided a Mini-FutureLab at the Koning Willem I College in Den Bosch. The Future Questions, formulated by the young people in response to the Inspiration videos in the Mini-FutureLab, showed how deeply young people think about social problems and sustainability issues.
Using the FutureLab Game®, students engaged in helping and inspiring each other to think about many aspects of their Future Questions.
I found the game truly inspiring
It surely made you think about what the future holds.
I like talking about the future like that
I would like to know more about a possible answer to my Future Question